Everything you want to know about Zouk in Munich
Do I need a dance partner to attend classes or workshops?

No. Zouk is a social dance and nobody here has a fixed dance partner. We are rotating partners during all events regularly, so everyone can dance and people get to know different styles of leading and following.

Are there enough Leaders?

Yes! Interestingly in the Munich Zouk Community we have a good ratio of men and women / leaders and followers. Also we are changing partners often, so nobody has to wait for a dance partner too long.

I have never danced before. Whats the best way to start?

Starting with the beginners class or coming to our practise party are the best options for sure. You can start anytime.
Workshops with artists from abroad usually offer beginner-friendly content. You will find all the details in the event description (mostly on Facebook)

What about me having problems with my spine / back? Is Zouk the right thing for me?

Zouk requires the whole body, also the back. All of our teachers place great emphasis on the correct and safe execution of the movements. This prevents injuries from dancing. Most Zouk dancers even experience a significant improvement of their back problems through Zouk!

What clothes to wear?

For lessons, workshops and even the dance parties, most of us like to wear comfortable sportswear. You move a lot in Zouk and you also start sweating quickly. So, choose something that does not limit your movement. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable with what you are wearing.

Women should avoid tight skirts, because they restrict the freedom of movement in the legs too much.

In the winter, we recommend to bring a sweater that you can put on if it should get chilly.

What shoes to wear?

What exact shoes or footwear you choose depends on your role (leader or follower), your personal preferences and the floor at the location.

For leaders:

The shoes should not be too slippery as you need to have some grip on the floor. There are still turns for leaders, so check that you can turn on the respective floor. If the shoes block the turns, this can hurt your knee over time.

For followers:

You will have a lot of turning, so make sure you find appropriate footwear. Many followers prefer footwear that allow the foot to move and feel the floor.


Footwear overview
  1. Jazz shoes or other flat dance shoes with chrome-leather soles: These are common and a good choice especially for followers on wooden floor. There are special brushes that allow you to clean the soles to give them more grip since the soles will get dirty over time.

  2. Sneakers: Common especially for leaders or when dancing outdoors on concrete. Make sure to use indoor-only one’s for studios please 😉

  3. Dance sneakers: Dance sneakers have a split sole that allows you to point the foot and usually the soles have a turn zone.

  4. Barefoot shoes: Can be an option especially outdoors, but you will have to check if your pair is compatible with the floor.

  5. Taygras: This is a Brazilian brand, but their shoes are very common in the Zouk scene. The shoes have a flat and thin rubber sole. To buy them, your best chance is a distributor at a festival or congress

  6. High heels are also absolutely unsuitable for Zouk beginners. If you are intermediate/advanced, you can use them. But even longtime Zouk lovers often wear comfortable, flat shoes.

  7. Socks: Wearing shoes is recommended because shoes protect the foot and help to prevent injuries. With socks, you will have more friction on the skin of your foot, which can make your foot soles hurt after some time. But if you want to try Zouk and don’t have any shoes yet, socks are a good choice.

  8. Barefoot or foot gloves: Only choose this if you are used to dance barefoot. You will not have any protection for the foot, so with an eye on injury protection, we do not recommend this especially to beginners.

When we are indoors, please do not wear street shoes but bring shoes dedicated to indoor dancing to keep the studio clean. Please also make sure that your shoes don’t leave marks on the floor, especially when wearing black soles.

What do I need to bring?

For classes and socials, we recommend the following equipment:

1. Comfortable shoes (see above). If you are new to Zouk and don’t have any shoes, you can just wear socks.

2. Comfortable clothes that allow you to move.

3. Especially for socials, one or two spare shirts, so you can change if you get a bit sweaty.

4. A small towel, again for the case that you get a bit sweaty.

5. Deodorant.

6. Some mints or chewing gum to ensure good breath.

7. Water to stay hydrated.

Do you have more questions?

Join our Facebook group to follow us and ask right whatever you want to know about Zouk in Munich.

We’re always happy to help!

You can't wait?

…to start dancing Zouk, meeting us at the next party or getting into the special “Zouk-Flow”?

Take a look at our selection of Zouk music and videos! 

Join Brazilian Zouk classes and Parties in Munich City

Schedule - regular Zouk classes and parties


17:30 - 18:40 Zouk Class Beginner
18:40 - 19:50 Zouk Class Improver
by Andrius and Sigrid

Anglerstr. 6, Tanzstudio Rebecca, Studio Orange (left entrance,1st floor)


20:00 - 21:30 Zouk Class Intermediate
21:30 - 23:30 Zouk Social
by Andrius and Sigrid

Anglerstr. 6, Tanzstudio Rebecca, White Studio (right entrance, 3rd floor)


20:00 - 21:00 Level 1
21:00 - 22:00 Level 3
by Bailadictos

Anglerstr. 6, Tanzstudio Rebecca, White Studio (right entrance, 3rd floor)


15:30 - approx. 18:00 Zouk Tea Time Outdoor Social


For a complete and up-to-date Calendar: check our NEWS page